Visit from teaching staff at the Instituto de Lenguas Modernas

On 29th June last, several members of the teaching staff from the modern languages centre at Universidad de Zaragoza paid a visit to the Casa del Traductor. During the visit we discussed potential activities that both centres could run together, such as workshops, talks etc., and that would contribute to the development of each centre.

Radio programme

On 26th June Lynda Lounas participated in a programme on the SER radio station, talking about the translation proposal that she submitted to the Casa del Traductor. After the interview, she read some poems that she has translated. Lynda read the Arabic version, while the House coordinator read the Spanish version. A link to the podcast of the programme, along with the a selection of poems that featured on the programme (in Spanish) are as follows:




Si preguntas:

¿Qué es el viaje? 

Te decimos: El viaje es el corazón de camino al Ser Verdadero.

Si preguntas: ¿Quién es el viajero? 

Te decimos: es el que hace un viaje con el pensamiento a través de lo que se puede concebir, el que reflexiona sobre la Ley Divina y de esa forma viaja de la orilla del mundo terrestre a la orilla suprema». (Tomo 3: 199).

و إن قلت:و ما السفر؟ قلنا: القلب إذا أخذ في التوجه إلى الحق تعالى بالذكر


فان قلت: و ما المسافر؟ قلنا هو الذي سافر بفكره في المعقولات و هو الاعتبار في الشرع، فعبر من العدوة الدنيا الى العدوة القصوى“.


¡Qué extraño que los añore!

Y que pregunte por ellos a quien vea, estando ellos conmigo

¡Qué extraño que mis ojos los busquen aunque estén en mis pupilas

Y que mi corazón los extrañe cuando están en mis brazos.



و من عجب أني أحن إليهم و أسأل عنهم من أرى و هم معي


و ترصدهم عيني و هم في سوادها و يشتاقهم قلبي و هم بين أضلعي. (الباب 22: في معرفة علم منزل المنازل).

ASATI annual dinner

On 23rd June, Enrique Alda, representing the Translator's House, attended the annual ASATI (Aragonese Association of Translators and Interpreters) dinner. We are keen to to keep close ties with ASATI, which is the only translators' association in Aragon.

Cataloguing the library

On 21st June the Casa del Traductor coordinator contacted the Head of the Libraries Section of the Zaragoza Regional Government, Concha Nasarre, to discuss the possibility of beginning cataloguing our library so that it can be included in the Aragon Library Network.

Visit to El Portalet

The Casa del Traductor coordinator visited Espacio El Portalet on 13th May to find out more about the activities that go on there. Espacio El Portalet awards grants every year to Spanish and French translators.  Following on from this first contact, both organisations have agreed to co-host some events in the future.

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TRANSLATOR'S HOUSE "Hispanic Centre for Literary Translation"

C/ Ancha de San Bernardo, 13

50500 – Tarazona (Zaragoza) - Spain

Telephone & fax: 976643012

Mobile Phone: 628324593



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